Later , according to chinese classics such as the analects of confucius , tso - chuan , all of which was written no earlier than the sixth century b . c . , it became the pastime of gamblers and other idlers . while there might have been even the earlier references to the existence of go in ancient china , the books that contained were probably burned during the reign of ch in shih huang ti , who in 221 b . c . , 其次,从出土棋盘的十十三十五一直至今天通用的十九道线的发展过程看,围棋不可能是某一个人某一天里突然创造出的奇迹,而是经过了由简单到复杂,棋子由少到多,着法由单一到多样的发展变化过程,时间跨越数千年,集聚了无数围棋爱好者的智慧和经验,逐渐被改进,被丰富,最后形成今天这种规模的。